For a company that provides a support service to another company, your biggest asset is always your staff. Your employees are the people that will be the first point of contact and the global representatives of your service so you need to ensure they are skilled & motivated.
What is Help Desk Gamification?
Help Desk Gamification feature is mainly useful to improve help desk staff performance. The feature allows you to set up achievement levels. quests and goals that helps staff to achieve targets and goals while woking as a team.

Increase Staff Performance With Help Desk Gamification
Gamify help desk platform by setting up agent achievement levels. Add quests create goals to make your staff members work together for common goal thus creating fun and healthy competition.
Your help desk becomes more productive, and your customers get timely resolution by happy agents.

Gamify Help Desk – Set Quests, Achievement Levels & Goals
Customer Support Articles & Tips

Customer service is never an easy job, especially if agents have to handle irate customers throughout the day. That’s why it is important to hire exceptional staff that enjoy working with others and helping people.
6 Ways to Ensure Your Customer Service Department is Effective
We all now how important customer service is to the success of a business. In fact, many of the most beloved companies out there owe their success in large part to the quality of their customer service.