Help Desk SLA Management

Service Level Agreement – SLA Management

Offer timely responses and resolve issues in given turn around time with SLA management feature in help desk software.

SLA – Service Level Agreement is a contract or agreement between companies and their customers. It defines response and resolution time that company will take to reply and resolve customer queries.

The help desk tickets display’s the SLA response and resolution time remaining at any given point of time which helps IT help desk staff to prioritise their work.

Help Desk SLA Management creates a win-win situation as companies can monitor their staff performance and customers get their queries resolve in timely manner.

Help Desk SLA Management

Monitor Staff’s Performance – SLA Reports

Keep a check on staff’s ability to respond and resolve issues in timely manner

Help Desk SLA (Service Level Agreement) is an agreement between company and its customers, A SLA rule defines response time and resolution for a ticket. Response time decides how fast staff should respond to customers request, where as Resolution time decides the tickets final resolution.

SLA rules acts as a performance-meter for staff agents. You can draw a report that shows how your staff agents are responding and resolving given set of tickets. SLA helps staff agents to respond to the tickets in a timely manner.

SLA Management in Help Desk

SLA Management & Ticket Escalation Rules

Multiple Work Schedules

Create work schedules and while creating SLA select work schedule or time it should follow for SLA time calculation.

Multiple SLA rules

Create multiple SLA rules based on response and resolution of request you agree with customers.

Department wise SLA

Each department can have a different SLA rules.

Ticket wise SLA rules

Using workflow you can setup SLA rule for a ticket based on certain criteria.

Work Holiday's

Create custom holiday list so SLA rule can skip those days in time calculation.

Custom SLA rule

Apply custom SLA rule for single ticket

Client wise SLA rules

Each client can have a different SLA rule.

Ticket Escalation

If a ticket voilates SLA time you can setup workflow rule to take specified escalation

Vision HelpdeskSLA Rules and Ticket Escalation