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CRM is a Boost for your Business In 2 Crucial Areas

Customer Support Software

Having CRM software supports customer service and boosts productivity among employees. Here are 2 reasons why CRM software is great for your business.

Customer Engagement

Customer engagement refers to the full scope of a business’s relationship with its customers. How do customers perceive your brand? What is the emotional response they have to your brand? And, more importantly, what are they saying and posting about your company? It’s no wonder that without customer engagement, a company will not thrive for long. To understand better what motivates customer engagement, it is essential to understand customers. Here are 3 key characteristics of most customers.

  • Customers want quality service: According to studies conducted on customer service, people are more concerned with getting quality customer service than other factors. With so many businesses out to make a fast dollar, the customer can be left feeling slighted or ignored. Quality customer service stands out and makes the customer feel important.
  •  Customers want efficient solutions to their problems: Probably the only time you will hear from your customers is when they have a problem. Most people purchase their product or service and move on unless something goes wrong. It is during this critical stage that businesses must be highly efficient. When a customer is already irritated because something went wrong, they demand a prompt and acceptable resolution. Three common problems that could occur when a customer attempts to contact a business about an issue are:
  1. The customer had difficulty figuring out how to resolve the problem with the business. Instructions on problem resolution are not clearly discernable on the website or other literature.
  2. The customer had to wait too long for a response to their need. This could include wait times to communicate with a representative or the wait time for the problem to be resolved.
  3. Poor customer service. Either the agent’s attitude was unfriendly or unhelpful  or  problem resolution was handled poorly.
  • Customers want businesses to understand their need: No one wants to feel that the company with whom they do business doesn’t understand their needs. Whether it is their needs for fantastic customer service or for a super product, the customer wants to feel heard.

CRM software increases customer engagement: Customers receive quality service with CRM software such as Vision Helpdesk in place. The software allows companies to provide customers with an efficient resolution to issues. Some of the features of a help desk include:

  1. Knowledge-base of information for customers to use or download.
  2. Ability to create a ticket and track its status.
  3. Automated system disperses ticket to appropriate department resolving the problems in a timely manner.
  4. Relevant articles for the customer to view which enhances your brand.

Employee Engagement

Everyone in business knows how important employee engagement is. Just ask any manager who has employees unenthusiastically dragging in and out every day how relevant it is to productivity. According to a Gallup poll, 50.8 % of U.S. Employees are not engaged at work. Employee engagement is one area that managers and business owners want to learn more about. The difference between the lukewarm employee and the one that is eager to be at work is palpable. So, just how can employers tap into the engagement element? How can CRM software, designed to facilitate better customer relationships, profit employees too? Here are 3 basic employee desires and how CRM software fulfills those desires.

  • Employees thrive when they are successful: Success is a contagious boost to anyone’s morale. If employees believe they are producing fantastic work, it encourages their desire to keep right on giving their best. The contrary is true also. When failure is a regular part of an employee’s performance, then it is easy to understand why they come into work un-enthusiastically. A feeling of success or the lack thereof can easily make or break the engagement.
  • Employees want a degree of independence: An article in highlighted the importance of an employee’s sense of independence. Being independent means having the ability to get the job done in the best possible way with little need for guidance. Performing the job competently on their own brings a feeling of accomplishment to employees. No one wants to be micromanaged. However, without the proper pathway for success, employees are sure to falter.
  • Employees work best as a team: According to Entrepreneur, one way to increase employee engagement is to foster teamwork. Most people enjoy working with others. Employees typically prefer interacting with others and having a supportive team on which to work. Businesses gain from having people work together in teams, too, because more brainpower goes toward finding solutions and maximizing productivity.

CRM Software enhances employee engagement

CRM software supplies employees with the technological tools to ensure success. When customer service problems arise, CRM software separates and organizes the tickets so the proper department or person gets it. Employees receive alerts to let them know how urgent the ticket is, which keeps them on track. Employees have greater autonomy when a helpdesk converts multiple channel requests into tickets and prioritizes the issues.

Finally, with CRM software such as Vision Helpdesk, employees work together as a team to fulfill requests. A private social hub allows employees to collaborate and therefore get more done together. Individuals working on a project with others are able to post the status of the project for the others on the team to view. The sharing of files and presentations fosters teamwork and efficiency. Think of how projects fail quickly when everyone is on a different page. Teamwork doesn’t just work well for the employees, companies benefit, too.

CRM software is a great way to get your customers and employees engaged. Connect with us to learn more about Vision Helpdesk!

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Megha JadhavCRM is a Boost for your Business In 2 Crucial Areas
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