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Why Use Ticketing Software Instead of Email? Many Reasons

customer service software

If you’re thinking of using ticketing software to manage your customers’ problems, you’re probably wondering if this software is really worth the investment.

Perhaps you’ve been using email to keep track of customer complaints and you’ve never had a problem with this method. What you probably don’t realize is how much simpler ticketing software makes resolving customer issues. The organization it provides helps with efficient problem resolution, which benefits customers and companies.


Ticketing software helps prioritize more important tasks so workers get to fixing urgent issues first. You can design a ranking system to workflow where certain problems fall into certain priority categories. With email, workers just take problems in the order that they come in, meaning a severe issue can go unresolved while a trivial problem receives assistance.  


Ticketing software helps the support team work more efficiently because they aren’t going back and forth between inboxes and trying to decide what to do next. You can integrate email with ticketing software, and the software will organize incoming emails appropriately. This allows team members to work at full capacity, meaning that more problems get resolved in a shorter amount of time.


When IT support staff has to sift through different email accounts to find requests, work can become confusing. Ticketing software keeps all requests in one place, which results in less stress for support staff and faster problem resolution for customers. Email systems can also get complicated if more than one employee works on the same problem. Employees have to remember to cc each other to keep each other informed. With ticketing systems, the entire history of the issue is in one place, including who worked on it and what they tried.


Many issues require the expertise of more than one support professional. With ticketing software, workers can collaborate with each other quickly. Collaboration is time-consuming with email because it involves employees accessing each other’s work email and digging to find the problem. When collaboration is simple, support workers are more likely to obtain help from coworkers rather than struggle for a prolonged period of time to solve the problem themselves. This translates into happier, less-frustrated customers, which benefits the business.

Tracking And Reporting Metrics

Tracking and reporting metrics help support workers stay on task since they’re being tracked. These metrics provide information about the work each employee completes, the time each employee takes to resolve a problem, and whether customers received sufficient help. You can run a report on any ticket in the system, and you can specify a date range to run reports on a certain employee’s tickets. With email systems, you can’t receive these metrics to keep track of who is working efficiently and who isn’t.


Ticketing software looks more professional than email, and companies can advertise that they use it. This software provides customers with confidence that the company cares about their issues and will actually help them. When customers just see an email, they may become concerned about whether anyone actually checks that email and how often. This is anxiety-provoking for customers when they’re having urgent problems.

Since ticketing software looks professional, small businesses gain an edge when they use it. Many small businesses just use email while the larger enterprises have ticketing software. Therefore, small businesses that use ticketing software look bigger than they are and more sophisticated. They’ll also gain an edge over bigger companies that are still using the email method.

Searchable Database

Ticket systems offer a database of previous tickets that workers can search through. This is helpful because workers can look at past tickets of similar issues to give them ideas on what solutions to try.


Customers can also find their own solutions with some types of ticketing software. They access a knowledge base and search for solutions to common problems. Customers who don’t have access to a support technician 24 hours a day find this helpful since problems can occur at any hour. Self-service also takes some pressure off of support technicians.


Ticketing just allows you to view details that email systems don’t provide. It gives information about the businesses and departments that submit the most support requests, which helps in allocating resources. A ticketing system also shows uncompleted tasks, the status of tasks, and which employees worked on a certain task. All of this information is helpful when it comes to providing customers with quality, efficient support.


The knowledge base in ticketing software enables support workers to solve the same problem with the same solutions. This provides continuity in service because all workers are on the same page regarding which solutions to try for a certain problem.

Ticketing software also provides continuity when it comes to reassigning tickets. You can easily re-assign a ticket to a different worker if one worker leaves. The new worker can just pick up where the old worker left off. They’ll see a detailed history of the problem and solutions the old worker already tried. There’s no need for them to dig through the old worker’s email account to find information.

Vision Helpdesk offers comprehensive help desk solutions with ticketing software. We have over eight years of experience providing quality technical support through help desk software. We serve customers that range from small businesses to large enterprises, and we even offer satellite help desk software that manages support for multiple companies. Please contact us for further information about how our software can help your business.

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Megha JadhavWhy Use Ticketing Software Instead of Email? Many Reasons
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